1) One thing I am not able to understand that how could the so called champions of liberalism don't find it objectionable to share dais with people like Geelani. The Kashmir which he wants to create wouldn't even have basic fundamental rights, forget about things like freedom of expression. I may be blamed for creating paranoia but wouldn't you agree that if Sharia is implemented (as wished by the hard-liners and as what would certainly happen if Kashmir is 'freed') then how miserable the condition of minorities and women would become. Do these liberals would go to save those girls who would be stoned to death on allegations of committing adultery or those boys who would be framed for theft and whose hands would be chopped off in the name of some archaic Arabic laws.
2) The problem is that these supposed intellectuals would rarely utter a word for the freedom of Tibet or for that matter in favour of Aaung San Suu Kyi. (after all China and Myanmar are ruled by leftists) but would have harshest of things for countries like US and India. (the most liberal of governments). And if this is not hypocrisy, then I don't know what is!
3) Even if we agree with Arundhati Roy that its only people who should decide how and with whom they want to live, then shouldn't Kashmir be partitioned and one part given to Kashmiri Pandits. Its immensely sad that our media is completely silent on the issue of Kashmiri Pandits and their rights. Because from any logic I don't understand that we should sympathise with those who are violent and just ignore those who are pleading for mercy and justice.
It is imperative for us that we start looking at the Kashmir issue more logically, rationally and judiciously rather than creating one more Taliban in our North. Hopefully its still not very late.
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